Secure your retail store's financial transactions with TROY Group's comprehensive check printing solutions. From MICR printers to check stock and software, our products ensure personalized, fraud-resistant checks that meet your customers' needs for convenience and security.

Secure Check Printing Solutions for Retailers.

The convenience your retail store offers its loyal customers is why the average individual takes advantage of the check printing services you offer. Alongside convenience, the average customer expects that your outlet can personalize checks and integrate security features to prevent fraud. TROY offers you a wide range of secure check printing solutions – MICR printers, MICR Toners, check stock, and check printing software – to meet your customer’s immediate requirements.

Provide Personalized and Secure Checks

What are the value-added advantages you advertise to sell your check printing services? Do they include enhanced fraud-resistant technology, reduced purchasing costs, personalization, or round-the-clock availability? TROY solutions are designed to ensure your checks can back these advertised claims and reduce your check printing costs. These solutions include:

  • TROY MICR Printers – To enable unlimited printing of secure checks.
  • MICR Toner SecureTM – Backed by anti-tamper security features to reduce manipulation.
  • AssurePay – Provides customization features to add personalized designs to checks.
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TROY secure check graphic illustrating multiple security features
Top down view of woman using AssurePay Check

Enhance Your On-demand Check Printing Services

Your customer wants their checks printed today and printed now! No one is interested in waiting for ages to receive printed checks. For the average customer the faster the better captures their attitude when seeking check printing services. Using AssurePay Check, helps your retail outlet streamline its on-demand check printing workflows through:

  • Automation – To automate importing, printing, archiving, and reporting activities.
  • One Pass Check Production – Turns printing activities from creation and approval to printing into one seamless process.
  • Scale Printing Capacity – To meet increased demand at need.
Learn about AssurePay

Monitor Your Check Printing Process

Environments that print high volumes of checks within short durations are susceptible to human error caused by handling repetitive tasks. Your retail outlet is most likely a high-volume check printing environment, and implementing an active monitoring framework can help reduce errors and internal fraud. TROY IntegriCheckTM is designed to enable you to conduct integrity checks through:

  • Built-in Camera Systems – To actively monitor the check printing process.
  • Traceability – To monitor the footprint and activities of your check printers.
  • Data Recognition – To audit trails and to discover corrupt documents.


See our High-Volume Solution
Interface snapshot of the TROY FlexPay software

Automate Payments with TROY FlexPay

Managing multiple accounts to sending out hundreds of checks to fulfill your financial obligations to vendors are labor-intensive activities that are prone to human error. TROY FlexPay provides retailers with a secure platform to digitally automate your payment workflows. You can reduce fraud, and eliminate errors using:

  • A secure, unified payment platform
  • Four secure payment methods – digital checks, ACH payment processing, print-your-own checks, and a check fulfillment service.
  • AP automation to manage your financial transactions.
  • Third-party integration with QuickBooks.
Try TROY FlexPay

Providing solutions across every industry

If you need more efficient and secure processes for payments and documents but don’t know where to start, no problem.
Our team of experts can create solutions depending on your needs.

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Find out why thousands of companies around the world from small businesses to large
enterprises trust TROY’s secure end-to-end solutions

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