Don't give fraudsters an easy entry point to your finances. Printing your checks to blank stock will ensure no thief can get your info. 

What is blank check stock?

No bank account info on your stock means your finances are always protected. Choosing blank stock over preprinted is the first step to securing your finances. 

Get the best possible security for your account information

TROY offers 3 tiers of high security check stock - all complete with the robust security features that protect against fraud, alteration and counterfeiting. 

Business checks being held up
Security check paper

Tier 1: Security Check Paper

TROY Security blank check paper stock includes 8 award-winning security features, including advanced VOID Pantograph technology with NaNOcopy, Scancheck Verification, and Microtext Secure Backer, all designed to prevent fraud and forgery while authenticating documents. 8 features

Security plus check paper

Tier 2: Security Plus Check Paper 

Security Plus blank check paper stock includes 14 security features including Relief Printing in the Courtesy Area Recognition, Chemical Sensitivity, Invisible Fluorescent fibers, Toner adherence, and a top of check Warning band. 

Fortress check paper

Tier 3: FORTRESS Check Paper 

Fortress blank check paper stock features 20 advanced technologies, including exclusive chain-of-custody control, Check21 authentication and NaNOcopy™ “VOID” Pantograph Technology for easy authentication, and chemical protection.

End-to-end security for both checks and documents.

Security for your checks and documents is multifaceted and starts even before you hit the print button. Add security at each step by printing to blank stock, using anti-tamper toner, and printers equipped with security features to give you peace of mind knowing that your checks and documents will be safe from fraud, theft, and forgery.

A graphic illustrating the complete suite of TROY products

Take the next step with your check security

Once you have your high-security blank check paper stock, you're ready to kickstart your full end-to-end TROY check printing solution.

  • MICR Toner Secure™

    No other toner on the market can protect your checks from fraud. With TROY’s patented red dye anti-tamper technology, MICR Toner Secure™ stops fraud on its own by alerting the bank to void the check.

  • TROY HP MICR printers

    Printing your MICR line onto blank check stock requires the top of the line MICR printers designed specifically for check printing. TROY enhances HP OEM printers so each part of the check is printed with expert quality. 

  • Check Printing Software
    Hardware isn't everything. Once you have your check paper, MICR toner, and MICR printers - you'll need check writing and printing software to create your check online. TROY's AssurePay Check, AssurePay Teller and FlexPay software will help you do just that. 
Get our step-by-step guide

Prepared to take the first step?

Let us help secure your check printing process. 

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